Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Including Leads to Partnering

Question: How does one acquire the mindset of 'inclusion?' Why ask it, why answer it?

Well, this was asked by a coach today during a teleseminar on a leadership development 360. For me this was a great question. My immediate response was to recall all that I had been hearing today about Senator Ted Kennedy. People talked about his capacity to include everyone, to work for everyone, to bring people together, to get difficult legislative work done when it seemed impossible or unlikely. How do I react to that? I felt included in Kennedy's Lifetime Commitment to quality healthcare for everyone. While I would do my part, I knew he was fighting for fairness for all. That's what I mean by inclusion.

Have you ever felt or been excluded? Sure, we all have. And who would say it was okay? Not anyone I know. You and I in our human way must simply find a place to belong.

How does this impact coaching? First, it impacts coaching in the way we interact with our clients. Coaching is about forming partnerships with our clients ... and for me this is the most inclusive relationship there is. When I try to stay 'more than' or 'more expert than' or 'I know best'... I am excluding my client from my world and diminishing his/her world.

What do you think about this?

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